adi bhatnagar
quantum poet

about me
i follow imprints in the sand.
imprints that have been pulsating within me, my desire.
a poet at heart, a mathematician by hand.
i wake to my world of passion by methodical fire,
i wake...
i am a person who truly believes in better today than yesterday; progressing myself incrementally each day - be it academically, behaviorally, or just walking an extra 1000 steps. i believe in pushing my limits and re-discovering what i can handle. this is the sole reason that led me to find quantum computing as my passion. something that is the culmination of my interests in computers, mathematics, poetry, and natural sciences. today the imprints of these qubits leads me to have found and continue to follow my carved path and on this journey...
...i wake.

professional experience
Student Researcher, Sabre Kais QIQC Group
August 2021 - August 2022
as a student researcher under Dr Sabre Kais at Purdue University, i worked on developing a better exposure to research in quantum information and quantum computing.
i was mentored by Dr Manas Sajjan and collaborated with him on testing the noise resilience Dr Sajjan's modified restricted-Boltzmann machine. we are currently working with IBM to further explore the noise resilience in applying dynamic coupling.
i was also involved with applications of quantum machine learning in quantum finance and lead a collaboration with the Gowher Group of Bioinformatics to explore quantum epigenetics.
Member, The Data Mine
August 2021 - December 2021
i was a member of The Data Mine at Purdue University and worked on understanding applications of data science in bioinformatics, specifically its usage in visualizing biological results.
Founder, VSSM Incubator
September 2019 - March 2020
i developed an incubator at VSSM which serves to empower the tribal women under the care of VSSM. this incubator serves as a platform to allow the women to develop and run micro-enterprises. the first group of 50 women i worked were introduced to making and selling hand-made glycerin soaps - in collaboration with the National Institute of Design.

educational background
B.Sc Electrical Engineering
August 2022 - May 2025
i am an undergraduate at Purdue University studying electrical engineering. i have designed my course in a manner so as to align with my efforts in quantum computing and information.
High School Diploma
May 2022
i hold a high school diploma from Anand Niketan International School, Satellite having completed my AS and A levels with a score of 95%.
besides being an absolute beast in pushing my limits in every area of my life,
these are some of my technical skills

I am fluent at picking up coding languages and my main area of work has been data science applications and in bioinformatics and quantum computing.

Adobe Creative Softwares
I am certified and quite adept at using Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, etc.